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Tag: Leadership

BELAY Solutions | One Next Step Podcast

013: Creating a Strong Annual Budget for Your Business

In this episode, we’re going to help you build a plan for your company’s money by teaching you how to create an annual budget for your business. While this may not be the sexiest topic, it is the difference between break-even, a black hole, or a growing bottom line. To help you build or refresh your budget BELAY’s COO and former CFO, Lisa Zeeveld, is going to break down the essentials of a business budget and walk us through the budgeting process she’s perfected over the years.

BELAY Solutions | One Next Step Podcast

012: The Art of the Pivot — How Guardian Bikes Unlocked 100x More Value by Being Willing to Evolve

In this episode, we are talking about how and when to pivot in your business with Brian Riley, the co-founder and CEO of Guardian Bikes, a Mark Cuban company. He will share how he made shifts in his organization to create more value for consumers and more cash for the business.

BELAY Solutions | One Next Step Podcast

011: The Top 3 Metrics Businesses Need to Measure Financial Health

In this episode, we’ll share the top three financial metrics that matter most in your business and how to use them to lead your business. Our guide will be BELAY’s financial guru Lisa Zeeveld, the current COO and former CFO of BELAY.

BELAY Solutions | One Next Step Podcast

010: Michael Hyatt on Why Most Strategic and Annual Plans Fail (and What to Do About It)

Today, we’re going to learn a blindspot or two in the annual business planning process and receive tips on how to overcome them. In this episode, we’ll discuss why most strategic and annual plans fail — and what to do about it. Our guest is Michael Hyatt, bestselling author and CEO of Michael Hyatt & Company, which specializes in leadership development.

BELAY Solutions | One Next Step Podcast

009: How Emotional Intelligence & Soft Skills Produce Hard Sales Results

In this episode, we’ll be talking about how emotional intelligence and soft skills produce hard sales results with Colleen Stanley, a sales trainer and the president of SalesLeadership, Inc., a sales development firm. She will talk with us about how to build high-performing sales teams through the power of emotional intelligence.

BELAY Solutions | One Next Step Podcast

007: Chick-fil-A’s David Farmer on Prototyping & Piloting New Ideas — How & When to Do It

In this episode, we’ll be learning how and when to prototype and pilot new ideas before launching them. Today’s guest is David Farmer, the Vice President of Restaurant Experience at Chick-fil-A — the third-largest restaurant chain in America.

BELAY Solutions | One Next Step Podcast

004: Going 100% Remote Overnight & Not Missing A Beat with Pushpay’s Troy Pollock

Discover how the company Pushpay went 100% remote almost overnight and never missed a beat with clients or team members, and we’ll be joined by their Chief Ambassador, Troy Pollock, to guide us through their experience, what they learned, and how it’s changing work at Pushpay permanently.

BELAY Solutions | One Next Step Podcast

003: Building Diverse Teams to Build a Stronger Business with HR Consultant Dethra U. Giles

As social issues related to inequalities and inequities re-emerge near the top of our national conversation, many business leaders are appropriately trying to leverage their influence to make a difference. However, you must first lead yourself well before you can lead others. Going a step further, we should lead our organizations well before our organizations attempt to influence and lead our communities. For most organizations, this should start with building a diverse and inclusive culture.

BELAY Solutions | One Next Step Podcast

002: How Winning Organizations Communicate with EntreLeadership’s Daniel Tardy

Leading in 2020 has not been easy for anyone, but communication is a not-so-obvious why reason many businesses are dealing with challenges better than others. Winning organizations start with effective communication. They have strong communication capable of navigating the inevitable highs and lows of business. 

One Next Step Intro: Welcome to the Most Practical Business Podcast in the World